
Blogs is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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“The past is a study for reflection, not repetition”Mario de Andrade (1893-1945), Brazilian poet and novelist
“So what did you learn at the meeting? Is there something new for me?” Sometime during my first clinic session after the ASCO Annual Meeting, I inevitably get asked these questions by patients. It’s gotten so common that I expect the questions and prepare an answer. Usually, I’m asked these...
The American Society of Clinical Oncology will mark its 50th year as an organization in 2014, during my term as your President. As I have thought about this upcoming year, I have tried to honor this milestone without using it as a sole focus for our organization.
I never thought I would see the day when two abstracts about cervical cancer would be included as plenary presentations at the Annual Meeting. Cervical cancer, after all, is a rare disease in the U.S. and developed countries— we have access to cervical cancer screening programs and the HPV vaccine...
I admit to being an aficionado of quotes, and I am particularly fond of some quotes I have heard at the Annual Meeting regarding patient-centered care.
ASCO, the Association of Physician Assistants in Oncology, and the Oncology Nursing Society came together again this year to present the Clinical Care in Oncology for the Advanced Practice Provider pre-Annual Meeting Seminar.  The education sessions and faculty were truly outstanding, and...
I often am asked for opinions about hematology/oncology cases from colleagues around the country. Additionally, whenever a family friend or relative is diagnosed with cancer, I also often am asked for an opinion. How do you handle these unofficial second opinions?
It may sound obvious, but social media is a form of media, which can be defined as “tools used to store and deliver information or data.” Social media is “media disseminated through social...
Everyone’s talking about health care costs these days. The presentations usually start with a chart of rising health care expenditures, the tip of the line pointing skywards. Next come exhaustive (and exhausting) tables, more charts, all punctuated with a final shrug of uncertainty from the speaker...
The print edition of the Educational Book is a labor of love each year, and this one was no exception.
Do you know that flying in an airplane 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for a few years is safer than being a patient in a hospital for a fraction of a day?
Our practice recently had a visiting speaker sponsored by a pharmaceutical company speaking on a new drug for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. As part of the presentation, a Phase III randomized trial was presented demonstrating an improvement in median survival with the use of the...
Dr. Jyoti D. Patel shares what you can expect to see and learn at the 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting.
“What do you think?” my nurse, Laura, had asked as we discussed her call from Ms. Lyons*. Ms. Lyons, an ovarian cancer survivor whom I have known for years, had called Laura after she had developed a discoloration on her abdominal wall and vague abdominal pain. She thought it might have something...
"Value-Based Medicine," if not yet a term for the ages, is an increasingly embraced concept for our times of diminishing health care resources, a time for doing more with less. The risks of not taking this reality seriously are borne out by Sequestration, another newly coined term in our vocabulary...
On April 15, 2013, my kids and I were in Stamford, CT, visiting with my sister, Precy, and her family. I had been reading when an email came up, stating a bomb had gone off at the Boston Marathon. I immediately turned to Twitter where...
This issue of our member magazine, ASCO Connection, certainly captures the dichotomies in oncology today. We have the promise of high-tech treatments based on molecular pathways and personalized medicine as captured by many of the Oral Abstract Sessions to be...
T.S. Eliot once penned April is the cruelest month.  I became conditioned to believe this after bearing witness to the tragic events in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, as a student at the University of Oklahoma.  It was the first such tragedy I had been so close to, and sadly, not the last.

