
Blogs is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

No Results.

Immunotherapy—particularly immune checkpoint inhibition—is still experimental. It ends up being quite a difficult discussion for some who had hoped that they could stave off chemotherapy.
Editor’s note: Dr. Hudis hosts the ASCO in Action Podcast, which focuses on policy and practice issues affecting providers and patients. An excerpt of a recent episode is shared below; it has been edited for length and clarity.
Dr. Elizabeth M. Blanchard outlines hot-button health policy issues that are likely to be legislative priorities in U.S. states during 2019-2020. Your voice can make an impact on these issues at the state level.
On behalf of the Annual Meeting Scientific Program Committee, Dr. Suzanne George invites you to submit an abstract by February 12 to the ASCO Annual Meeting, which offers more than 2,000 presentation opportunities.
One of my most challenging clinical experiences is trying to counsel a patient whose preferred treatment is a literal miracle. 
Dr. Jean Rene V. Clemenceau Valdivia describes the shared history of the Sociedad Mexicana de Oncologia and ASCO, and the new formal partnership that will guide future collaboration between the two societies.
Social injustice is perpetuated when patients can't afford to participate in essential clinical research.
Although there’s never a bad time to make a positive commitment in your life, something about opening the calendar to January 1 feels like the right moment to set an intention.
Dr. Pesona Grace Lucksom's career journey has been shaped by a series of battles with hormones and their impact on women's health, and this is a fight she intends to win.
A deliberately stylish patient led me to wonder if any insight can be gleaned from our patients' clothing choices as a reflection of how they're navigating the experience of illness and recovery.
My patient's greatest fear was living in pain, so I called on my incredible colleagues in palliative care.
Dr. Eduardo Miranda details physician takeaways from patient-focused discussions that took place in the Texas/Mexico border town of Laredo.
Dr. Narjust Duma treated a patient who was brave in the face of lung cancer, but feared the judgment of her community.
The National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC; @deadline2020) recently issued an important message about transforming Pink October Breast Cancer Month from awareness into action to have a better impact on...
What do you do when a patient requests a different physician, and you suspect prejudice is the reason?
Mentors have the awesome responsibility, and privilege, of guiding the next generation of physicians, who in turn will come through medicine and make it better for both those who work in health care as well as the patients whose lives rely on it.
Dr. Colin D. Weekes and the Reverend Joel B. Guillemette had a thoughtful and personal conversation about how they approach deeply challenging questions of hope and mortality in their work following an ASCO town hall event.
Drs. Arjun Gupta, Erica Nakajima, and Ramy Sedhom offer their personal insights and experience on how to thrive and even appreciate this tough rotation.

