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ASCOconnection.org is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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The weeks following the ASCO Annual Meeting are always a time of transition as we synthesize new knowledge. That feeling of flux is heightened this year as the COVID-19 situation evolves.
Smriti Rana pursued a career in palliative care in part due to her mother's death from cervical cancer. "21 years later, another woman I love has died in the same excruciating agony, in spite of all the apparent medical advancements," she said.
Dr. Dawood Findakly shares a meaningful farewell to his residency program at The Creighton University School of Medicine (Phoenix) Program and offers tips that will help incoming residents as they start their training.
ASCO’s delegation to the American Medical Association (AMA) recently met virtually with the AMA’s House of Delegates (HOD), with a focus on payment reform models. 
Dr. Muhammad Rafiqul Islam describes the enormous challenge of ensuring optimal cancer treatment for patients and guiding the future medical oncologists of Bangladesh.
In his new series, Dr. Dawood Findakly provides insights to help determine future medical careers and subspecialty selection by utilizing concepts he learned throughout his career. 
According to Dr. Aakash Desai and Dr. Turab Mohammed, the pandemic has emphasized one of the most challenging yet quintessential skills needed for a health care provider: the ability to break bad news compassionately to families.
Dr. Shaalan Beg and I discuss the difficulties of navigating situations in which our duty to be honest to the person we treat abuts another's cultural or social norms.
Being recognized based on my social media presence can be a little creepy, but there are certainly really good reasons for health care professionals to be active on these platforms.
Dr. Alankrita Taneja watched from afar as her grandfather's health declined in parallel with the health care system in New Delhi during the devastating second wave of COVID-19 in India.
Although clinician-educator is still a less traditional academic track in many organizations, there is a growing community of dedicated leaders in this field.
Dr. Dawood Findakly shares a letter about his greatest inspiration. "I learned from her how to always work hard to manage any condition patients might be presented with to decrease their pain and help them cope with their illness." 
Nostalgia for Chicago and the in-person ASCO Annual Meeting was the subject of one of the nicest articles I recall writing for ASCO Connection last year. We are in for ASCO21 as a second virtual meeting from ASCO.
"Our approach to treating cancer begins with a focus on prevention—similarly, we need to think about the modifiable factors to prevent burnout," said Dr. Shayma Master Kazmi.
Many years ago I treated a patient with a rare sarcoma. We recently reconnected and she generously shared her experience of being treated for and now considered "cured" of her rare tumor, with a reminder that the cancer experience is unique to every individual.
If luck, as Louis Pasteur noted, favors the prepared mind, how will oncologists not only prepare but extend cognitive capacity in an era where both medical knowledge and the scope of human endeavor that physicians must address continue to increase exponentially?
With the current pace of progress in cancer care, urgent implementation of cost-effectiveness training curriculum in fellowship training programs will be indispensable, shares Dr. Samer Al Hadidi. 
"A successful mentorship is mutually beneficial for the mentor and mentee, where each party has to recognize and understand what the other is offering and whether it fits each career path," said Dr. Atlal Abusanad.

