
Blogs is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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The chair-elect of the ASCO Health Equity Committee and I discuss concerns with proposed Medicaid work requirements and their impact on patients with cancer and their physicians.
GLOBOCAN 2018 indicates a significant global increase in the numbers, incidence, and mortality rates, albeit significant differences in mortality amongst countries of different economic levels. 
To be a truly good doctor, you can't just care for people - you have to care about people.
As an academic physician, Dr. Krisha Howell attends conferences for professional growth and networking; as a parent, one of her gating considerations is the availability of childcare. 
This program’s application period closes on September 25, so apply today if you are interested in being a leader in shaping cancer policy.
ASCO's nearly 45,000 members practice in more than 150 countries, and continued progress against cancer will require every one of us, writes ASCO CMO Dr. Richard L. Schilsky.
We remain very concerned that the CMS proposal could harm Medicare beneficiaries who have cancer by triggering major cuts to physician reimbursement, especially for Part B drugs and for drugs that have been newly introduced to the market.
I often run into people I’ve trained, and they tell me that they hear my words in their heads when they operate, as if I’m standing beside them. And in a way, I always am.
I had the enormous privilege of speaking with poet Anya Silver about her experience living with metastatic breast cancer and her perspective on physician-patient communication.
When men have traditionally been socialized to be stoic and not share their problems, the road after cancer can be lonely and isolating.
Some reflections on John McCain, mortality, Hamilton, and the story you leave behind. 
At the latest ASCO Board of Directors Meeting, we discussed countering biases, improving rural access to quality cancer care, and effectively adding more value to your ASCO membership. 
ASCO's "I Live to Conquer Cancer" campaign is putting a human face on the results of cancer research and the researchers who make this progress.
ASCO leaders and local members, including Dr. Electra D. Paskett and Dr. Colin D. Weekes, participated in a town hall to hear concerns and answers questions from patients in rural Ohio.
"You're an oncologist? How can you do it?" Radiation oncologists chimed in on Twitter about the rewards of the job.
Dr. Raj Mohan looks at surgical oncology through the lens of the saying that "the proof of the pudding is in the eating": ultimately, the outcome matters more than the process.
I spoke with our current ASCO president about her theme for the year, her work with the Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology, and her frontier spirit.
A patient who refused chemotherapy offered Dr. Erika Hamilton a lesson in compromise. 

