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ASCOconnection.org is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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I love talking with those patients who are in their 80s and beyond, who have seen so much and have so much to teach me.
A precision therapy was indicated and available for my patient, but we lost the window of opportunity to administer it safely.
Each year, a new wave of these pearls of advice are released onto Twitter by a wide range of physicians, from trainees to the more seasoned. Dr. Shikha Jain compiled some of her own personal tips for new docs.
The 13th Best of ASCO Lebanon meeting was a great success. Is there a BOA in your area? If not, I encourage you to learn more about organizing one.
Do you view crying as a weakness? Instead of feeling ashamed, own your feelings, advises Dr. Julia Close.
Dr. Stephanie Graff shares 10 powerful life lessons she's learned from practicing oncology. 
Cancer.Net editor in chief Dr. Lidia Schapira explains that it is essential to invest resources and time in making sure patients have access to the information they need at every stage of their treatment and well into survivorship.
Dr. Jaime G. de la Garza-Salazar shares the story of how one of the first international Best of ASCO Meetings came to be.
The ASCO Annual Meeting is over, and now we return to our routines—in our clinics and hospitals, offices and operating rooms, labs and libraries, classrooms and conference rooms. I hope these stories will continue to fuel your inspiration and remind you why you chose the work you do.
"The challenges that affect the growth of a physician are not limited to a curriculum but are also about emotional growth." Dr. Samah Nassereddine describes the growing pains of her first year of fellowship.
Broadening eligibility critera for cancer clinical trials will give more patients the opportunity to contribute to scientific research.
Every patient with cancer deserves equal access to the highest quality care and the opportunity to participate in research.
ASCO CMO Dr. Richard L. Schilsky invites all cancer researchers to come together for education and networking around cancer clinical trials.
Thanks to Conquer Cancer grants, when Dr. Dorothy C. Lombe treats patients with cervical cancer in Zambia, "I will be able to hold more women’s hands and say yes where I had previously said no."
I am really pleased to have with us ASCO's Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President for a conversation focusing on right-to-try policies.
Dr. Arjun Gupta reconsidered an order (and the evidence) for a neutropenic diet when it negatively affected his patient's quality of life.  
At the most recent Board of Directors meeting, we heard insightful presentations from participants in the Leadership Development Program, pivoted toward the execution of our 5-year strategic plan, and had a valuable conversation with NCI director Dr. Norman Sharpless.
At the most recent meeting, ASCO's delegation to the AMA House of Delegates were involved in resolutions related to Pharmacy Benefit Managers, opioids, billing for survivorship care plans, alcohol as a modifiable risk for cancer, and more.

