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ASCOconnection.org is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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The Beirut Breast Cancer Conference is a modern multidisciplinary specialty oncology regional meeting that provides excellent onsite dissemination of knowledge and research.
Dr. Ashley Sumrall fulfilled a dream of performing in the famous Carnegie Hall, and discovered that the practice, teamwork, and commitment required onstage paralleled her work in oncology.
I try to be clear when my approach is a recommendation based on the best data we have, and when it’s a suggestion in situations where reasonable clinicians may come to a different conclusion.
It's hard enough to try dating again after a cancer diagnosis and treatment, but some of my patients also face strong opposition from their adult children.
Dr. Suneel D. Kamath was surprised to learn how important laughter and levity can be in the physician-patient relationship.
When a patient asks, "Why me?", Dr. Stephanie Graff considers that they may not be asking for a list of their cancer risk factors.
Dr. Gottlieb discusses the FDA's efforts to increase overall efficiency by updating or modernizing aspects of our clinical trials conduct and expediting the end-to-end drug development process, as well as controlling the next generation of tobacco products.
A recent study should serve as a wake-up call to all Americans that obesity is linked to an increased risk of common cancers.
What will each of us do, going forward, to further confront and reduce the global burden of cancer? For us at ASCO, the challenge will be answered through our mission pillars: education, research, and quality.
Dr. Evangelia Razis will speak out about cancer and fight against the guilt and shame that attend a cancer diagnosis.
Resource limitations will not stop Dr. Dorothy Lombe from her goal of beating cancer for her patients in Zambia.
Dr. Layth Y. I. Mula-Hussain​ began rebuilding the field of radiation oncology in Iraq in the face of decades of conflict and sanctions.
Dr. Geraldine Jacobson boldly states who she is and what she will do to reduce the burden of cancer, in the spirit of World Cancer Day's theme: "I am and I will."
Dr. Jose Angel Sanchez wants to tell more patients in Honduras that yes, their cancer can be cured.
On February 3, Dr. Stephanie Graff hopes women in every aspect of medicine will feel inspired to choose themselves, and make their own wellness a priority.
ASCO’s Clinical Cancer Advances report, our 14th edition, examines the most transformative research of the past year and offers our vision for future research priorities.
Dr. Amrita Krishnan wanted to know how her work as a physician affected her family, so she asked her teenage daughter for an unvarnished opinion. 
Predictive analytics, complex treatment pathways, tele-oncology, and more: Dr. Robert M. Daly identifies five trends that are poised to disrupt oncology practice in the coming year.

