
Blogs is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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Inequalities, especially in health care, breed discontent. We need better ways to continue incentivizing the development of new drugs while optimizing access. Biosimilars help, but they won't solve the whole problem.
We all strive to provide evidence-based medicine, yet putting it into practice can sometimes be the most challenging part of being a doctor.
It's up to us to advise our patients not to share medications, despite their generous natures. At best, the medications are ineffective because they aren't used properly; at worst, misuse can cause active harm.
People with cancer and their caregivers need to think about pacing themselves for what may turn out to be a marathon, says Dr. Lidia Schapira.
Highlights from the 11th annual Best of ASCO Lebanon, attended by more than 300 medical professional from the country and surrounding region.
The ASCO MOC alternate pathway proposal shifts the focus of the recertification process to continuous learning in oncology. As this plan is meant to address your needs, the proposal is presented for your input.
Diane St. Germain and Dr. Sandra Mitchell invite symposium attendees to share their thoughts about gaps in knowledge and priorities for palliative care research in oncology with staff from the National Cancer Institute on Friday, September 9.
Cancer unavoidably leads to losses. Letting go of what I have lost has allowed me to accept and be grateful for what I, for the moment, have. I wish that I could have started doing this without getting sick.
Join fellow attendees to discuss mortality and caring for patients with advanced cancer at the third annual Death Cafe at the 2016 Palliative Care in Oncology Symposium.
Many of the successful, FDA-approved drugs commonly used in cancer care were developed at small biotech or pharma companies—so what role do the "big fish" play?
ASCO CEO Dr. Clifford Hudis describes the Society's Global Oncology programs and the initiatives of the Global Oncology Leadership Task Force. Dr. Hudis asks challenging questions about providing optimal cancer care in low-income countries. 
It’s abundantly clear that more heads are better than one when it comes to cancer care, and that working together as a team of experts (including the patient, who is the expert on their life) leads to the best outcomes.
Support for federal research funding for cancer is not about politics. It's about people. There is no one in our society—liberal, conservative, libertarian, or just don’t care—who isn’t touched in some way by cancer.
Dr. Smita Bhatia's Keynote Address will describe an overview of the current knowledge regarding the role of genomic variation in the development of treatment-related late effects.
In oncology, many patients continue under our care for years and years. These patients become part of our clinic and, dare I say, our lives, and it is the merging of patient-person-friend where, emotionally, being an oncologist can become quite complicated.
Words can harm and words can heal. Using the word "partner" when scheduling an initial appointment with a patient opened the door to a more meaningful relationship, and created an environment of safety and trust.
Ms. Edson, whose experience as a clerk in the cancer and AIDS unit of a research hospital informed her prizewinning play Wit, will serve as one of two Keynote Speakers at the 2016 Palliative Care in Oncology Symposium.
For prostate cancer, there are both challenges and some early positive results from immunotherapy trials that remain intriguing. One of the key challenges is identifying those patients who will benefit from the treatment.

