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ASCOconnection.org is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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"It is far too common that patients with less access to care or different skin color or unfamiliar language are assumed to not understand," writes Dr. Jacquelyne Gaddy. "Maybe it is in fact that we didn’t take the time to understand."
Feeling the mid-academic year slump? Here are a few tips based on my own ongoing attempts to strike a balance between my clinical duties and my scholarly activities during fellowship. 
As her patient struggled to find the words, Dr. Viju Chandrasekhar found that some forms of connection and communication transcend speech. 
If you're increasingly tired of "hopping on another call," "sending a Zoom invite," or "unmuting yourself," Dr. Aakash Desai and Dr. Ariela Marshall offer tips and empathy for managing videoconference fatigue in the new year.
"As trainees," said Dr. Jonathan Berry and Dr. Aakash Desai, "the pandemic has radically transformed the fellowship experience from what we had envisioned across the three pillars of modern medicine: education, research, and patient care."
Dr. Samer Al Hadidi considers whether hematology/oncology training should be decoupled into two fully independent areas of study, and how that new structure might look for future trainees.
Despite the virtual nature of the AMA House of Delegates meeting, the decisions made there have a very real impact on our profession and the patients we serve.
When a couple sought my advice on reconnecting after one partner's breast cancer treatment, I prescribed a regimen of practical, step-by-step sensate focus exercises.
"On top of an overwhelmingly difficult year, and after many months, we still face many challenges as it looks like we are hitting a new critical point as the reported COVID-19 admissions are surging," writes Dr. Dawood Findakly.
Every day in clinic, Dr. Narjust Duma is reminded of the importance of sexual health in cancer care. 
We owe it to this vulnerable population to check our assumptions and deliver the highest-quality cancer care in a safe and welcoming environment.
In October, the ASCO International Affairs Committee "was fortunate to be able to meet remotely and engage in productive discussions on a wide range of topics," writes chair Dr. Clarissa Mathias. 
As 2020 begins to wind down, members reflect on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as how they intend move care forward into the new year. 
"This pandemic really threw a wrench at an already delicate work/life situation that now looks a lot like a house of cards," write Dr. Richa Dawar and Dr. Estelamari Rodriguez.
Dr. Emil Lou and Dr. Muhammad Shaalan Beg, of ASCO's Social Media Working Group, explore the role and reach of Twitter and Instagram during ASCO's virtual scientific and educational events this year, and implications for a post-pandemic world.
As voting opens in this year's ASCO election, Chair of the Board Dr. Howard A. "Skip" Burris III and I highlight some of the proposed amendments to our Society bylaws which are on the ballot this year.
Advocate, survivor, and caregiver: my friend Anne Marie describes the intricate challenges of those shifting roles, especially in the pandemic, and the critical importance of clear and sensitive communication.
With the inability to attend an in-person ASCO Annual Meeting this year, I finally joined Twitter last May mainly to follow the #ASCO20 updates. Here are my thoughts on social media, 5 months later.

