
Blogs is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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The decisions the Board made will enable ASCO to define the behaviors and resources that support our professional community to achieve greater career satisfaction while delivering ever better care.
ASCO's current president explains why he's passionate about precision medicine, as well as the concerns that keep him up at night. 
Dr. Raj Mohan considers the concept of trust, and notes that what many patients will remember is how you made them feel comfortable as a human being, understood them, and stayed with them through their ups and downs.
A trial of aqueous lidocaine to manage painful intercourse for breast cancer survivors was a small study with a great magnitude of benefit. Do we need to wait for more data, or can we start applying these findings for our patients today?
During a weeklong vacation, I made a point of being truly present with my family. What did I learn from unplugging? A lot, actually.
If we want our patients to have the best possible health outcomes, we need to make sure that their caregivers are also being cared for.
When I was first asked if I would chair the Cancer Control for Primary Care Course in Bhutan, I immediately exclaimed yes! And then I sheepishly went to look up where exactly Bhutan was on a map.
All of us have the power to impact health care policy. ASCO's Advocate of the Year explains how easy it is to get involved, and how we need to focus on long-term success.
Health care providers have a tendency to talk a lot; we are trained to ask questions, to give information, to provide advice and guidance. But if we just stop and let the silence fill the room we can learn so much from our patients. 
What makes a death dignified? It's in how we live, writes Dr. Manglio Miguel Rizzo. 
I was her doctor, and my job was to give my opinion, even if it could not be backed by any data, and then to respect hers. After all, there was only one person walking this road of cancer, and it was my job to make that road easier. 
Being deliberate about creating diverse and inclusive teams is not about optics and good PR. It is the right thing to do to make sure our patients get the best possible care. Every hand is needed, and everyone has something valuable to contribute.
During a podcast interview on leadership and change, I had the opportunity to discuss how important ASCO is in the life of a cancer doctor.
Dr. Evgeniya Kharchenko dreamed of creating a local society for young specialists in Russia with ASCO’s values, and made her dream a reality.
Case-based presentations and tumor board discussions lend additional educational opportunities to this regional conference.
Dr. Richard L. Schilsky describes ASCO's Targeted Agent and Profiling Utilization Registry (TAPUR) Study and similar independent studies worldwide.
Dr. Raj Mohan describes the anxious journey that surgical oncologists and patients with cancer take together, as they wait to see what the histopathology report reveals.

