
Blogs is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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Although our societal meetings, including the AMA House of Delegates meeting, are shortened, they have never been more important than they are at this moment.
Dr. Aakash Desai and Dr. Aju Mathew discuss seemingly contradictory, yet closely linked factors in global oncology which impede our progress in reducing cancer burden.
A spirit of clinically relevant discovery and accessible, understandable knowledge dissemination is the profound legacy, responsibility, and obligation that Rich will leave at ASCO, and we will honor him by continuing this work at the level of rigor and quality he established.
We must commit the same energy and focus we pour into conquering cancer to addressing systemic issues that affect the health of people of color in our country.
ASCO20 Virtual is about to begin, and the challenge is finding a way to interact and engage with presenters and other experts in a way we have never done before, writes Dr. Lidia Schapira.
The power of touch in this time of physical distancing is top of mind for young adults trying to date, older couples in high-risk groups, and health care professionals who miss the empathy communicated in a handshake or a hug.
Stacey Tinianov and I discuss the language of cancer, respecting an individual's context, and empowering patients to be engaged in their care.
Dr. Ray Page and I discuss the important role that drug repository programs can play in helping our patients afford their treatment while reducing the financial toll on the cancer care delivery system.
Why do patients hold back about serious side effects? Often, the reason is fear, writes cancer survivor and patient advocate Dr. Mary Dominiecki.
By holding its scientific program on time, ASCO and the entire oncology community make a pledge that we will continue advancing and offering the best care for our patients worldwide. 
As companies and organizations hurry to prepare timely resources for physicians during COVID-19, Drs. Deborah Mukherji, Sana Al-Sukhun, Shaheenah Dawood, Iman Abou Dalle, and Sally Temraz have noted an unwelcome return of the "manel": expert panels composed of only men.
In adversity, there is opportunity: despite the cancellation of an incredible professional opportunity due to COVID-19, Dr. Khalid El Bairi is focusing on how he can have a positive impact as an early-career oncologist in Morocco.
We have an urgent need to learn more about how COVID-19 is directly and indirectly affecting the people with cancer whom we serve.
As New York City moves toward its new normal, Dr. Astha Thakkar considers the lessons learned over the past 7 weeks of crisis and rapid change due to COVID-19.
Dr. Sumanta K. Pal recounts the professional and personal rewards of investing in trainees from abroad as his mentees and friends Dr. Cristiane Bergerot and Dr. Paulo Bergerot return to their home country of Brazil.
The number of new and old agents being suggested as COVID-19 therapies seems to be expanding exponentially. Dr. Donald L. Trump, Dr. Courtney W. Houchen, and Dr. Milton L. Brown highlight current investigations.
At a time when every physician is needed, U.S. visa restrictions on international medical graduates are making it impossible for them to do the most good, writes Dr. Sreekanth Donepudi. 
Dr. Douglas Flora learned from his own cancer experience that when there's no wind, we must row.

