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ASCOconnection.org is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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How sweet is this? See John Halamka's blog for bookmarked versions of the 864 page ...
My thanks to Tony Tolcher of San Antonio for pointing me in the direction of a wonderful new book, The Invisible Gorilla, by Christopher Chabris and Dan Simons. The “Invisible Gorilla...
In the last 48 hours, CMS released the final rules governing the first stage of MU and CCHIT launched its oncology workgroup. Things are heating up this July. The ARRA regulations for the incentive program for implementation of meaningful use of HIT were released as 3 documents. The one of greatest...
Big day in the health IT world today – CMS announced the final regulations for “meaningful use” of EHR’s, to allow providers and hospitals to receive Federal incentive dollars for adopting technology under the HITECH Act. ONC (Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT) also released the “...
This is a topic that has increasingly challenged me in the last decade with so many "promising new agents" that cost a fortune but fall short of delivering the home runs we all hoped for when imatinib seemed to lead the way. In my practice, which is ~90% prostate cancer care, the latest example is...
We all talk about it, read about it, even try to develop it . . . but what is “leadership”? What makes a great leader? Are we born with it? Do we learn it? Does it require age and experience, or is it an inherent ability to trail blaze in the absence of precedence?
As I highlighted in the May editor’s desk column -- a colleague noted that in traveling the country, she had found oncologists often voiced feelings of being victimized by the ‘system’. They were tired, overburdened by the moment, and struggling with market forces in their locales, whether...
Two studies recently presented at ASCO’s Annual Meeting have been an ongoing topic of discussion and debate for those of us who take care of women with ovarian cancer and those in the field of gynecologic oncology. The first research study of note is the phase III Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG...
I had been a practicing surgeon for several years before I returned to graduate school to study epidemiology. As one of the few Africans in my class, most people assumed that my area of study interest was HIV/AIDS given its high prevalence in Africa, controversy in the public health world about the...
Most scientists who are honest about their work realize that they are wrong the majority of their scientific careers. Wrong in that science in general (and medical science in particular) is full of blind alleys that lead nowhere but consume years of one’s time. Wrong in that we may measure that...
In my last blog post, I discussed some of the science at this year’s meeting. In this posting, I’ll spend a few words on policy issues.I had the opportunity to meet with ASCO members from around the globe and was once again impressed with the diversity of our society. I heard the concerns of...
I’ve just returned from the 2010 ASCO meeting, where I underwent a transition in job titles from President-Elect to President of our society. I had a fascinating meeting, and there are several topics arising from the meeting that I will cover in this and future blogs. As a breast cancer specialist...
Although Twitter is not my forte, trying to write some impressions in a few more words is within my abilities. I am currently sitting in the cavernous lecture hall listening to Dan VonHoff's lecture and just finished hearing Doug Blayney's Presidential Address. The challenges before us as...
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), part of the US. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), recently published an interesting report entitled...
I am leading a Meet the Professor session at the ASCO Annual Meeting in Chicago next week. The title of my talk is Electronic/Digital Resources in Oncology: Value vs. Distraction. It is Sunday, June 6, Room E451b, 11:30 am – 12:45 pm...
I’ve made community/connectivity/communications (different words circling around a common theme) one focus of my tenure as President of ASCO. ASCO is a large organization, with a diverse membership, and that membership has many needs and interests. These needs and interests may or may not intersect...
Welcome to the launch of ASCOconnection.org. I hope it will truly be a place for healthy member dialogue and debate. This new site is the online companion to ASCO’s membership magazine, formerly known as ASCO News & Forum, which will relaunch this July with a new design and new name, ASCO...
With the launch of ASCO Connection and this blog, “ASCO Online” enters yet another phase of its remarkable evolution. The beginnings of ASCO’s web presence occurred shortly after Al Gore invented the World Wide Web (or maybe it was the Internet, I can’t remember for sure). The first example of a...

