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ASCOconnection.org is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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I was reading the Yale Daily News the other day, and came across an interesting piece on women in medicine.
In recent weeks, I have seen quite a number of blog posts, articles, and Tweets about social media and the medical profession that continue to illustrate how mainstream these Web 2.0 technologies and applications have become across the spectrum of medical care. Here is a sampling of items I found...
By Jamie Von Roenn, MD.  When I am at the check-out line in the grocery store, and someone asks me what I do for a living, it's always a bit of a challenge to listen to their response when I say, "I’m an oncologist." The response is usually some version of one of three responses: 1) Oh, that must...
I am in Seattle today attending the meeting of the Washington State Medical Oncology Society (WSMOS, pronounced wizmiss by its members). Dr. Jeff Ward, the current President (his term ends at this meeting) was kind enough to invite me to what has...
Greetings! I would like to thank ASCO for the opportunity to share the perspective of the Oncology Physician Assistant through ASCOConnection.org’s blogging page!
This is my first attempt at typing a blog on my iPad, so we will see how it works out. It would certainly be nice not to have to lug my laptop around with me on my travels.
My colleagues and I recently published a summary of our Society of Gynecologic Oncologists’ recommendations on Prophylactic and Risk-Reducing Bilateral Salpingo-...
I would not normally use my ASCO blog to promote something I have done, but since this is an ASCO-related product, and it is a story that I think is very valuable to share, I hope I can get a pass this one time. I was recently asked by John Cox, editor-in-chief of ASCO's Journal of Oncology...
I'm traveling on business for the first time in almost twenty years without a laptop computer, bringing only my iPad and my iPhone. We'll see how it goes. This allows me to fit all of my travel goods in a Patagonia backpack, which I place in under the airplane seat in front of me; no checked...
A high school friend of mine grew up to be a Princeton economist, and every October when I read the New York Times article announcing this year’s winner of the Nobel Prize, I pay attention to see if this is the year that he makes the front page. Although last week’s announcement went to three other...
I knew that title would catch your attention . . . money is the currency of life. We all need it, work to earn it, yet rarely talk about it. It's almost thought of as a "taboo" topic of conversation . . . While we went into medicine and oncology to provide the best clinical care to our patients and...
ASCO as a volunteer-based Society relies on its members for many things, not the least of which is our collective view of who should lead the organization. We elect our President, our Treasurer, and our Board of Directors. We even—and this separates us from many of our sister societies—elect a...
I love reading about creativity in science, in large part because creators give me so much hope for the future. Last week’s Nobel Prize in Physics was a particularly delightful example, and I refer you to the...
I wrote a blog post here a few weeks ago about why I use Twitter, and I was busy this past weekend at the ASCO Breast Cancer Symposium trying to do as much live-tweeting as I...
In this post, I would like to share the misunderstandings and anxieties that result when critical information is withheld from patients with cancer and from their family members.
By Jamie Von Roenn, MD. I have been reflecting on language. Both ASCO and the World Health Organization say palliative care is applicable early in the course of disease in combination with life-prolonging therapies. That fits with what my patients seem to want; to live as well as possible for as...
“I thought I was not old enough to have cancer!” So said this 40-year-old mother of four who had presented with a three-year history of a self-discovered lump in her breast as I disclosed the diagnosis of breast cancer to her.
I have been threatening myself with the task of sitting down and doing a more thorough review of the literature and then writing something like this for some time. Now that the blogosphere at ASCO Connection gives me a less painful alternative, (yes, all you editors, you can comment as you wish but...

