
Blogs is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

No Results.

For the past several years, the Society’s member magazine, ASCO Connection, has been building its online presence, moving from print only, to print and a website that was updated quarterly, to the dynamic interface we have now with options for immediate feedback from readers. While our July...
The June 30th issue of Nature has a wonderful article from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) group entitled “Integrated Genomic Analyses of Ovarian Carcinoma.” It is a landmark publication, not...
I’ve often pondered the name of this site . . . “connections” seems to be a buzz word in this era of social networking and electronic media. ASCO has “ASCO Connection”, Yale’s Cancer Center has an e-Newsletter called “...
At meetings these days, a growing chorus of investigators sings a particular tune: organ-based therapy is dead; it is all about the pathways. But then I go home to my clinic and treat my patients in a very organ-based fashion. My patient has a screening X-ray read by an organ-specific radiologist,...
One of the responsibilities of the ASCO President and President-Elect at the Annual Meeting is to serve as spokespersons for the Society during interviews with the press about the exciting science presented in the course of the Meeting. This year, I participated in six or seven interview sessions....
In describing the national clinical trials system last year, a term I used a lot was “sweat equity.” Physicians donate a great deal of free time to clinical cancer research. It is difficult to imagine that our federally funded clinical trials system could continue to exist without the un-reimbursed...
It is presumptuous beyond belief to speak of “My Annual Meeting” when the meeting had so may cooks preparing the feast. So in this post I would like to throw out some “thank you’s” to those who made the meeting possible, and to some who made the last year such a pleasurable one for me.
One of the sad aspects of being President of ASCO is that you rarely get to attend sessions that you are not either chairing or speaking in. It is therefore entirely likely that I missed some of the coolest stuff that was presented at this year’s Meeting. I will be busy perusing the...
Well. I have completed my year as ASCO President, as of Monday, and now get to return to obscurity. Or, as one of my colleagues told me, surveying my palatial digs in the Conrad Hilton Suite, "Next year, Motel 6 in Skokie, George." No doubt. But this year I had the opportunity to lead the world's...
The ASCO Board has embraced the concept of the Rapid Learning Health Care System (RLHS), the vision of a national digital health information system that enables sharing of data between individual health care providers and patients as well as populations of healthy individuals who are at...
There is no mistaking that the notion of hope is pervasive at the Annual Meeting. During Sunday's Plenary Session there was a nearly palpable energy in the room: Hope for what these findings might mean for our patients! Hope that these therapies may lead to better outcomes for...
As Saturday at the Annual Meeting has now come to a close, I would like to share a few thoughts:-In his Presidential Address, Dr. Sledge noted that cancer deaths are decreasing in the US; however, by the year 2030, it is projected the number of cancer deaths worldwide will exceed a staggering 11...
Greetings from the Annual Meeting!While it was difficult to narrow my selections for sessions I would attend today (a feat more challenging than navigating Chicago traffic, I think!), I am most grateful to the ePlanner technology for making the process just a bit easier!The ePlanner technology is...
You may remember a blog I wrote a few months ago commenting on an article describing cancer patients entering Phase I trials as being guilty of “unrealistic optimism” regarding their...
Last week, at Yale Surgical Grand Rounds, I heard one of the best lectures I’ve heard in a while.  It was given by my good friend, Jeff Matthews, who is currently Chair of Surgery at University of Chicago.  His Samuel Clark Harvey Memorial lecture, entitled “Truth and ...
In less than two weeks Mike Link of Stanford will be replacing me as President of our organization. He will do a great job: he is an honest, thoughtful, forthright physician whose intelligence and good sense, as well as his unique perspectives as a pediatric oncologist, will add much to our society...
I have been working on my Presidential Address in recent weeks, an address that I wanted to end by looking back to the moral center of our profession. In doing so I came across Francisco Goya’s ...
In June, I will become the 47th president of ASCO. This is an intimidating prospect for anyone—ASCO is a complex organization representing multiple subspecialties from all over the world. The membership now exceeds 30,000 individuals from private practice, academia, research, industry, and advocacy...

