
Blogs is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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It seems like I've participated in every facet of the "ASCO guideline" process. During the past three years of being part of the HSC (now CPG) committee, I have been amazed to witness how complex and detailed developing a guideline can become. The manuscripts are reviewed at several levels and...
I ran across a post on a healthcare blog that I would encourage folk to read. Jann Sidorov writes about the predicted death of small practices. I love his analogy to an...
So... I've been thinking about how to use our existing data repositories for measuring cancer outcomes and for comparative effectiveness. QOPI is a great start (here)—it is oncologist-driven and adaptable; the...
Another study, demonstrating the clinical utility of Clinical Information Technology (CIT)—including some positive influence on mortality and cost of care, albeit in non-oncology conditions, was published earlier this year.
Last week, I participated in a panel on cancer survivorship, chaired by melanoma survivor Sam Donaldson, formerly the White House correspondent of ABC News, at the NCCN conference in...
Incentives for ePrescribingThe Wall Street Journal has a story last week on ePrescribing, written by Laura Landro, a WSJ managing editor and...

