
Blogs is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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Mr. Todd Pickard considers the effect of the team on professional burnout. Is your team a source of conflict and disappointment, or a source of confidence?
I take my responsibilities as a physician seriously. But when faced with my own sick child, everything on my to-do list—writing, research, even clinic—went out the window.
If you say things of consequence, there may be consequences; but the alternative is to be inconsequential. Particularly in these tumultuous times for health care and research, we need to speak up!
Every time I’ve received a gift from a patient, I feel humbled and slightly embarrassed, for, really, I’m just doing my job. But I treasure each one, tangible or intangible.
In oncology, we cannot define our victories by cure, but by the quality of life we are able to provide for our patients.
Dr. Sibel Blau's community practice implemented a new model of value-based care delivery to improve the patient experience. The transition was challenging but allows the practice to deliver higher quality care than ever before.
Mr. Harvey D. Bichkoff offers a firsthand perspective of MACRA implementation at Marin Cancer Care, the private practice for which he serves as CEO.
Dr. Julia Close prepared for the birth of her first child with endless study, reading editorials by physician moms and attending sessions on work-life balance. None of this self-directed education prepared her for the emotional impact of guilt.
We will look to improve and expand mentoring opportunities, develop policy recommendations to support diversity in the oncology workforce, support career development programs, and ensure existing ASCO programs include a focus on diversity.
We don’t know what the future will bring, but we do know that it will be molded by well-trained, bright minds with good ideas who have the resources to be successful.
When you see enough remarkable recoveries, it becomes tempting to believe it is not only the drugs—that it is you. Where there is the Lazarus effect, perhaps there is the resurgence of the God complex as well.
The new Education Council will ensure that ASCO’s educational goals and strategies match its programs, and will evaluate collaboration across ASCO’s education portfolio.
Get the most out of your experience at the ASCO Annual Meeting by making preparations and familiarizing yourself with the program and materials before you arrive in Chicago.
I want to thank and pay tribute to the oncology nurses who are a true blessing and essential to providing exceptional care for my patients.
When faced with a suffering patient and family, it can be all too easy to blame yourself for their pain. Dr. Nasser Hanna encourages you to remember that the cancer is at fault, not you.
Every year, 400 physicians commit suicide. Nearly 10% of trainees have thought about it in the last two weeks. This is a serious problem that requires a fundamental culture change.
My colleagues and I share highlights from a successful and well-publicized breast cancer awareness campaign in Lebanon, focused around International Women's Day.
We’re making progress in better understanding, and communicating, the many issues surrounding adverse events, although not as fast as we’d like. In the long run, our patients will benefit from all of these initiatives.

