
Blogs is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

No Results.

Tiffany, one of my friends on the Facebook site, “Chemo for Champions,” posted that comment several years ago. She had just passed the six-month anniversary of receiving a diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma. When she was first diagnosed, one of the first things that she did was look up her diagnosis...
I hesitated when I was offered an opportunity to participate in Oncotalk, a communication course geared towards oncologists.
Broaching difficult topics, such as the possibility of a recurrence or the failure of treatment to control the disease, is often postponed because it is uncomfortable for both the patient and the doctor.
Many of us put a lot of effort into keeping our work and personal lives separate. It certainly helps to improve our quality of life and prevent burnout. In my training, however, I was taught that it can be very helpful to open part of yourself to your patients. They get to see you more as a person...
In her groundbreaking work with patients experiencing distress in advanced cancer, Dame Cicely Saunders coined the term “total pain” to describe the multidimensional nature of suffering.
She had come to see me as a second opinion; diagnosed with uterine serous cancer, one of the more aggressive types of uterine cancers. At surgery they found that it had metastasized to her nodes—stage III disease.
The new Expert Office Hours program will pair Palliative Care in Oncology Symposium attendees with a senior researcher to provide essential guidance and foster collaboration.
My patient mix comes in waves—some months it is mostly women with breast cancer struggling with adjuvant endocrine therapy or men in the aftermath of surgery for prostate...
Sometimes, it seems like the easiest way to raise some physician’s hackles is to bring up something that “administration” is doing. Maybe it’s a practice change felt to make things run more smoothly. Maybe it’s a new iteration of the EMR. Maybe it’s data monitoring or asking the physicians to look...
The good kind of problem is having too many choices; the bad kind of problem is having too few choices. Today, I am writing about the ultimate in the good kind of problems: Being an exceptional responder to cancer treatment. I am even trying to enroll in the NCI Exceptional Responders Initiative.
By Don S. Dizon, MD, FACP, and Elaine M. Doroff Significant psychological distress often accompanies the first diagnosis of cancer, but for most patients, I find the distress fades as the cancer gets treated and ultimately becomes a part of their past. Life resumes a new normalcy, interrupted only...
This year’s Community Research Forum Annual Meeting is right around the corner. As Chair of the CRF Council, I am very excited about the Meeting and would like to invite you to participate in this unique opportunity.
As oncologists, we discuss the topic of death or face our patients’ fears of death on a daily basis. But how much time do we reflect these encounters back to ourselves and our own lives?
Looking back on the 1976 Bonadonna study using CMF chemotherapy in women with breast cancer and positive axillary nodes, I consider what went wrong in the search for similarly effective treatment of prostate cancer.
I’m sure I am not alone in saying that I am almost obsessively conscious of time. Namely, that there never seems to be enough of it. As busy oncologists, we all have constant demands on our time, from our leadership, colleagues, drug company reps, insurers, and our families, not to mention the time...
Clinical investigation forms the backbone and the history of medical oncology. Cancer clinical trials provide the evidence we need to demonstrate safety and efficacy before Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval and evidence for our clinical treatment guidelines. However, it seems to be more...
Radiation oncology residents and medical oncology fellows interface regularly. Understanding each other’s backgrounds helps improve the care of our mutual patients.
The auditorium was designed for around 400 people, but only a quarter of the place was occupied. Some people were sitting next to each other; some were hiding alone at the end of the hall.

