
Blogs is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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If we believe that dietary supplements are active compounds—and many are—then we should deal with them as medications and advise our patients accordingly.
"It takes courage to see people whom you have treated lose their lives when the disease takes the upper hand," writes Dr. Pesona Grace Lucksom.
At a time when we are being asked, in every aspect of our work, to do more with less, we can expect streamlined, efficient, pragmatically designed clinical trials to play an increasingly important role in our research enterprise.
Dr. Narjust Florez, Dr. Fatima Wilder, Lauren Kiel, and Rebekah Kaufman underscore the need to comprehensively understand and address the unmet needs of young patients with lung cancer.
Dr. Joseph Merchant introduces the CPT process and recognizes ASCO colleagues who have represented the interests of members on this issue.
HemOncFellows Network organized an online discussion to address the common questions that hematology-oncology fellowship applicants have after submitting their fellowship application.
"Oncologists and APPs working together have the opportunity to increase practice volume, improve access to care, and ensure continuity for the patient," said Whitney Pritham.
It was such a great pleasure and satisfaction to organize and hold the 18th Annual Best of ASCO (BOA) Lebanon Meeting on July 7-8, 2023, at the American University of Beirut Medical Center.
Camille Petraitis and Christine Schlemmer discuss how the roles and responsibilities of APPs in care teams vary based on the practice setting, with an emphasis on inpatient roles and focused on a dedicated inpatient medical oncology role at a nonprofit hospital.
Severe pain can lead one to places that are uncharted, unfamiliar, and unknown.
Dr. Biplov Adhikari shares how the ability for patients to continue their normal lives from within the walls of a hospital room is profoundly empowering.
Caregiver support is fragmented and inadequate. Here are 7 steps oncology professionals can take to address this urgent need.
Following the ASCO Annual Meeting, the conversations in the news, on social media, and in the hallways of our institutions tend to be dominated by advances in the field—promising new treatments, genetic targets unlocked, gains in overall survival.
Dr. Paula Isabel G. Franco participated in the ASCO IDEA program to build a community and support her goal of ending the fear of cancer in her home country.
Participants in a HemOncFellows Network session on fellowship applications answer common questions about visas, obtaining letters of recommendation, crafting the personal statement and ERAS CV, interviewing, and more.
When Lily Sandblom participated in the ASCO Virtual Mentoring Program, "what developed over the next 12 months was a meaningful and beneficial mentorship that spanned states and time zones," she said.
As the first trainee in his fellowship program to utilize the newly instituted ACGME parental leave policy last year, Dr. Jon Steinmetz felt torn.
"Unless we take prompt action to protect rural oncologists from threats related to Dobbs, there will be few left to treat rural patients with cancer," said Dr. Banu E. Symington.

