
Blogs is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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During our national meetings, when we describe cases with CT scans and labs, why don’t we take the next step and inivite patients to tell their stories in their own words?
BBCC5 offered didactic sessions with presentations on recent advances in breast cancer research and management and 1-hour tumor board sessions where a panel of experts and the audience discuss real cases of patients with breast cancer.
ASCO’s commitment to women is not new, but Dr. Sonali M. Smith hopes that the new Women in Oncology Blog will bring renewed energy and passion to this topic.
When it comes to many alternative therapies, the data is too sparse to inform discussions on benefits and/or risks, as my patient learned when her supplement use prevented her from continuing on a clinical trial.
For World Cancer Day, Dr. Edward L. Trimble hopes you will join him in being an advocate for evidence-based policy changes, and the research that supports them.
For World Cancer Day, we can talk to our patients about the cardinal rules of a healthy lifestyle, says Dr. Clarissa Mathias.
For World Cancer Day, Dr. Monica Malik encourages you to challenge the misconceptions that stigmatize people with cancer.
For World Cancer Day, Dr. Sana Al Sukhun invites the oncology community to challenge perceptions that cancer is inevitable and encourage healthy lifestyle choices.
In the past 2 years, Bellevue Cancer Center's legal clinic saw more than 75 patients who were ineligible for lifesaving transplants or clinical trials due to their immigration status. Ms. Domna Antoniadis and Dr. Daniel Boxer outline the challenges faced by these patients.
Emotional overload and professional burnout can be isolating, as Dr. Nasser H. Hanna describes. But you are not alone.
As ASCO and the oncology community prepare for World Cancer Day on February 4, 2017, I've been reflecting on the day's theme of "We can. I can," which recognizes the individual responsibilities and opportunities that are built on the advances we make collectively.
On behalf of the ASCO Professional Development Committee, Dr. Suresh S. Ramalingam welcomes you to the Physician Wellness blog, a space for discussion and perspectives on physician wellness and professional burnout.
In your quest to find healing words for your patients, Dr. Wendy S. Harpham encourages you to attend Saturday's General Session 4: “One of Our Own—Insights of Health Care Providers on Coping with Cancer,” at the 2017 Cancer Survivorship Symposium.
The inaugural ASCO-SITC Clinical Immuno-Oncology Symposium will have three networking sessions, designed to help physicians determine how immunotherapy best fits into their practice, and to explore career development for newcomers to the field of immunotherapy.
When faced with a diagnosis of cancer, my patients and their families show more courage than I could ever have imagined.
A highly interactive and personal panel discussion and Q&A session will take place in the evening on January 26, before the official opening of the Cancer Survivorship Symposium in San Diego, CA.
Do you belong to your ASCO State/Regional Affiliate? If not, you should! Do you take advantage of all they have to offer? If not, you should! You, and more importantly your patients, will benefit enormously.
Dr. Maher Saifo, an oncologist practicing in Syria, discusses how the Syrian war is affecting cancer care in a post written with his patient, Lama Meer Yousef. Together, they share their story of survival and hope against incredible odds.

