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ASCOconnection.org is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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I was really, really ready for my summer vacation this year. As I’m sure you agree, taking care of patients with cancer can be physically and emotionally exhausting. Limping through the last weeks of August, I couldn’t wait to sit on the beach with my husband and two sons without my cell phone or...
A while back I wrote about Watson, IBM’s computer that trounced the competition on the Jeopardy! game show. I mentioned then that IBM was thinking of applying the technology to medical purposes...
ASCO got into the disease-oriented meeting business a few years ago as a means of creating communities of interested investigators and practitioners. The Annual Meeting, the crown jewel in our educational system, was just too much for many of our members: too large, too many people, too much noise...
I recently gave Grand Rounds at Women & Infants’ Hospital--a women’s specialty hospital that provides some of the best care for obstetrics/gynecology in the region. It is also the home to my specialized program for women with breast and gynecologic malignancies.  I spoke on delivering bad news...
This last weekend I went to a retirement party. Bill Wood, the longtime chair of surgery at Emory University in Atlanta, is leaving the university. Emory, quite appropriately, put...
One of the interests I have developed over time is in the arena of cancer survivorship, specifically female sexual heath after cancer and its treatment. Having worked at Memorial Sloan-Kettering both as a fellow and as a junior faculty member, I worked closely with colleagues in Gynecology,...
My friend and predecessor Rich Schilsky once described my current position as Immediate Past President as “the best job in ASCO.” Mostly, I suspect, this reflects the slower pace. But partly, I believe, because you get to chair the...
Last year I wrote a blog about the ASCO/AACR Methods in Clinical Cancer Research Workshop, also known in both organizations as "the Vail course...
Yesterday, the Journal of Clinical Oncology released an ASCO Policy Statement addressing the challenges and opportunities in U.S. health care reform to reduce cancer care disparities.
The great Argentinean writer Jorge Luis Borges wrote a prescient story called “The Library of Babel” (well worth the read), in...
You just received your July issue of JOP. This is the Journal's first thematic issue addressing electronic health records (EHRs). It is long overdue. Three manuscripts in the issue set up the legislative and regulatory underpinning related to the topic....
There seems to be an impending shortage of oncologists. We’ve known this for a while, and while potential solutions to transition patients to primary care providers have been proposed, there seems to be a looming shortage of them as well.
One of my favorite authors, Ross King, published a rather interesting book in 2010 called The Fantasia of Leonardo da Vinci (Levenger Press). This book includes a collection of Leonardo’s riddles, jests, and fables....
I recently returned from the semi-annual meeting of the Gynecologic Oncology Group, where the charge is to develop and test new treatment strategies in gynecologic malignancies. In the time I have been involved with the group, I have witnessed paradigm shifts in...
My son Daniel is a political scientist at the University of Texas at Arlington (am I really old enough to have a son who is an Assistant Professor?) and has been visiting with us this summer. His work focuses on the development of the American public health system, so we are able to converse with...
The international community of oncologists continues to gain importance in ASCO; one might suggest that ASCO’s name—the American Society of Clinical Oncology—does not adequately reflect its membership or its mission. ASCO is increasingly an international society with one-third of its more than 30,...
I just read the Personal History column in the June 13 & 20, 2011, New Yorker—“The Aquarium”— a powerful recounting by Aleksandar...
The July 6th issue of JAMA (306: 36-38, 2011) contains the CDC’s listing of the ten top public health achievements in the United States in the past decade. It makes an interesting read.

