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ASCOconnection.org is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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It has been very hot this week, and during spin class this morning—an activity of mine that Charles Sawyers managed to work into his Science of Oncology address at the 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting—my mind drifted away from the instructor’s...
Crowdsourcing is becoming an important new aspect of social media. In brief, crowdsourcing is just what it sounds like. Massing the resources of many to achieve a goal. The resources that are pooled can be almost anything. Even the use of surveying can represent crowdsourcing. Ranard, et al., has...
Even with the low level of development, we can use our resources better in Nigeria—with better and earlier identification of cancer, implementation of low-cost, early-detection strategies, improved patient navigation that decreases patient and medical delay before presentation and before treatment...
I have been surprised and a bit overwhelmed by the strong positive response to my recent post suggesting that hashtags be used to facilitate cancer communities online. I’m excited, but I have to question: Should we promote and develop cancer hashtags right now?
By Anupama Kurup Acheson, MD.  From accounts before 1600 BC in ancient Greece to records of a large census done during the Han Dynasty in China, censuses have played a crucial role historically across the world.
The year was 1992. The country’s economy was in turmoil and prices were skyrocketing. As a young medical student, I joined a crowd of hundreds of thousands of protesters demonstrating throughout Brazil. We were claiming for the impeachment of Fernando Collor, our first elected President in 30 years...
Nigeria, like most developing countries, is undergoing an epidemic of communicable and noncommunicable diseases. Most citizens are aware of the communicable diseases such as malaria, typhoid, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS. In contrast, awareness of the noncommunicable disease epidemics is low. There...
Everyday, we talk to people who are newly diagnosed with cancer…. To them, their worlds have just been turned upside down. They listen in shock and disbelief…. Wondering what just happened, and what will happen next…. It’s as though cancer has an inextricable power to hold people hostage. Despite...
Maybe I should’ve noticed how she looked… “She” was a new patient, Louise*, and she had been diagnosed with stage IV cervical cancer. Only in her 40s, the diagnosis had hit her extremely hard. At her first meeting, she wanted the “truth,” and I had told her what I felt to be most relevant--that her...
For two years, I’ve participated in #bcsm, a rich breast cancer and social media community founded on Twitter. It has encouraged me to ask: why not design similar resources for people with other diseases?
I just returned from an interesting family weekend. This family was the American Medical Association House of Delegates (AMA-HOD). I, along with Drs. Chris Nunnick, Barb McAneny, and ASCO staff, have had the pleasure of attending these meetings as a representative of ASCO for the past few years. It...
We know that oncology care costs and physician reimbursement issues continue to be a central concern for the oncology community. As the nation gears up for an active fall lobbying season, there is no doubt that health care reform, Medicare, and Medicaid will continue to be prime targets in federal...
I looked ridiculous. Dressed in the black-and-white-striped soccer referee shirt, I looked like roadkill on a black asphalt road with the white sidewalk markings. It reminded me of how uncomfortable I looked in my interview suit and tie as a medical student interviewing at residency programs....
Everywhere you look, there are things we can be doing better....on a personal level, we can be better clinicians, researchers, educators and leaders; on a systems' level, we can be improving quality, cost, and access to health care; on a societal level, we can be solving the problems of the world...
Last month, my family experienced the loss of someone very dear- Uncle Peter. Peter was an ex-Marine, father of three men, and patriarch of my spouse’s family; not to mention, husband to my wonderful and artistic Aunt Helene. He had been admitted to an outside hospital with leg ischemia and was...
Why do patients agree to go on cancer treatment clinical trials? We know that they choose to enroll for a lot of complicated reasons. As a physician and clinical investigator, it makes logical sense to me that patients with cancer want to take advantage of the best and newest treatments, even when...
June 7 was no ordinary Friday; it was my daughter’s last day in high school. Remember that day in your life? Endings are important, aren’t they? As a sports fan, endings are part of some famous quotes such as Yogi Berra’s quip, “It ain’t over ’til it’s over,” or Dick Motta’s inspiring quote for the...
I was sitting in the Fellows and Junior Faculty Lounge at the ASCO 2013 Annual Meeting, talking to Simon—a young medical oncology fellow with interests in global health, who is committed to developing the next generation of oncologic agents to bring to market in an economically feasible way. . . ....

