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ASCOconnection.org is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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I’ve only ever had one patient with two PhDs. Gerda was a woman of huge intellect and generous humor, an appreciation for the finest detail, and was, herself, beautifully refined. She could give incisive critique, but with warmth and empathy, and a giggling smile. She was ferociously independent,...
As an oncologist, I have always been amazed by how some (if not most) of my patients evolve from the shock and terror that accompanies a new diagnosis to a new sense of self, of purpose, and a better appreciation of life. 
By Richard Leff, MDSometimes with all of the stresses of battling the system to help our patients and assure that our practices will survive, we need to be reminded about why we choose oncology—the special patients and families we get to work with.
It’s so interesting…. We do what we do because that’s whatwe’ve always done, and despite how much we profess being evidence-baseddata-driven professionals, the status quo is just plain sticky. There have been several studies that have come out recently that have truly questioned why we do what we...
During the last few months, I have been visiting with as many of the 21 ASCO committees as I can in order to understand the issues that they have identified as most critical for cancer education, research, and patient well being. I have been impressed by the richness of vision and dedication that...
Long, long ago, I had just finished my fellowship in medical oncology and moved from Boston to Denver. In the lab, I was working on an obscure enzyme that seemed to differentiate leukemia from normal cells,cystathionase. In...
By Richard L. Schilsky, MD, FASCO, Chief Medical Officer of ASCO. I’ve been a regular attendee of the Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium since it began 11 years ago. This year’s meeting was among the very best with record attendance, superb educational talks and keynote lectures, multidisciplinary...
I gave a talk recently to a group of my peers about addressing the needs of patients after a diagnosis of cancer, emphasizing points where transitions occur—from treatment, to end of therapy, surveillance, recurrence, and extending all the way up to the end of life—and how important it is to...
 By Nagi S. El Saghir, MD, FACPChair, ASCO International Affairs CommitteeProfessor and Director, Breast Center of Excellence, Naef K. Basile Cancer Institute, American University of Beirut Medical Center
I’ve been silent on here for the past few months. I won’t be so egotistical as to say my silence has been noticed by others, but I have certainly missed writing here. The reasons for the mini-hiatus include having to take my Oncology Board re-certification exam. On top of that, I have also just...
The approach of ASCO’s Annual Meeting—where we will celebrate the 50th year since our founding in 1964—brings excitement and anticipation. Your Cancer Education Committee, led by Dr. Gini Fleming, has been working hard and in collaboration with the...
At my hospital, we are committed to offering a lot of clinical trials in the community. But it’s hard—nationally, only about 3% of patients with cancer participate in clinical trials. Even at some academic centers, it may be...
These two questions are among the most commonly asked in my clinic, particularly from patients who are recently diagnosed with prostate cancer.
On one afternoon last week, I sat at my desk working on a paper when my iPhone buzzed, telling me I had a new message. This message, forwarded from my Twitter account, alerted me to an...
Perhaps the most evocative essay that I have ever read is David Steensma's piece entitled "Reassurance" in the Art of Oncology section of the JCO, published in August 2004. Dr. Steensma writes an emotionally and visually powerful essay...
As I sit at my desk with the end of the year rapidly approaching, I am thinking about endings and new beginnings. I’ve just seen a pictorial about a dad and his three-year-old daughter. These were not family pictures per se...
As has been my tendency as of late, I will often open up my social media sites to see what is happening in the world around me. One of these sites I have come to rely on is LinkedIn, which sends me the news from all sorts of places, and from my colleagues within and outside of oncology. One of...
It’s an honor tolaunch ASCO’s 50thanniversary with the January 2014 issue of yourmember publication,a fitting forumas the Society’s initiatives and growthhave always been member-focused andmember-led.

