New Condensed Format for JOP Original Contributions

Apr 26, 2016

Potential Journal of Oncology Practice (JOP) authors: Get answers to your frequently asked questions about JOP’s new abridged print format, Research Contributions Abbreviated for Print (ReCAP).

What is a ReCAP?

ReCAPs are short, structured summaries of in-print original research papers. This novel presentation of care delivery research is designed to make academic articles accessible to a greater number of readers. Readers can also see the full manuscripts online at jop. ASCO is excited about adapting to this new trend in journals publishing, knowing it will increase the visibility of all of our content.

What are the Editors looking for?

ReCAPs were created to meet a need expressed by readers—the strong desire to see content in a more synopsized format. Our goal is to publish our authors’ work on a quicker timeline and in a format that draws in a larger audience for the authors’ work. One of the goals of a ReCAP summary is to inspire readers to dig deeper into the work. For these reasons, more concise language is key. Most ReCAPs will follow the subheadings below:

  • Question Asked
  • Summary Answer
  • Methods
  • Main Results
  • Bias, Confounding Factor(s), Drawbacks
  • Real-Life Implications

What are the maximum and minimum word counts?

The goal is for ReCAPs to fill no more than one journal page. ReCAPs should be 550 words or fewer, particularly if a figure or table is included. ReCAPs that do not have figures or tables can have up to 650 words. For formatting reasons, the minimum word count for ReCAPs is 350 words.

When do I need to provide my ReCAP?

JOP will require you to provide your ReCAP at the revision stage for your Original Contribution.

Do ReCAPs go through peer review?

ReCAPs are not sent out for external review. They are reviewed by the handling Editor of the original manuscript and the Editor in Chief.

Will I get to see proofs of my ReCAP?

Yes, JOP will be able to provide proofs for ReCAPs.

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