
The Features section includes articles on topics, events, people, and initiatives of interest to the oncology community.

Dec 19, 2017
In light of the shifting political landscape and changes to Medicare reimbursement for physicians, it is more important than ever that members of the oncology community stay in touch with their Congressional representatives to ensure funding for cancer research is secure.
Nov 14, 2017
The QOPI Reporting Registry allows practices to fulfill their MIPS requirements and avoid a financial penalty.
Nov 09, 2017
This supplemental issue provides the latest information and analysis related to cancer policy news and updates on ASCO’s ongoing advocacy efforts.
Nov 07, 2017
ASCO's quality improvement programs have expanded internationally so that every person with cancer can have access to the highest-quality cancer care.
Oct 31, 2017
ASCO's QOPI Certification Program offers specialty certification to outpatient oncology practices in the United States that demonstrate a commitment to quality. The certification indicates that practices have scored well on key quality measures and have met chemotherapy safety standards.
Oct 25, 2017
George Carro, RPh, MS, BCOP, shares his team's experience with the Quality Training Program in 2016 and describes the financial toxicity quality improvement project they undertook as part of the program.
Oct 24, 2017
QOPI began in 2006 as one of the first outpatient practice-based programs designed to foster a culture of self-examination and improvement in oncology.
Oct 24, 2017
With increasing adoption of clinical pathways, concerns have been raised regarding the proliferation of pathways, lack of transparency in development and methodologies used, administrative burden, and other factors that could paradoxically hinder patient access, care quality, and parity.
Oct 23, 2017
A recently identified and major contributing factor to low enrollment is the high cost of cancer clinical trial participation, but many trial sponsors and the clinical sites themselves are often wary of providing financial support for fear of violating rules of undue inducement.
Oct 23, 2017
At the height of the drug shortage crisis in 2011, the number of new drugs in shortage more than tripled. These drugs were primarily older, generic, injectable drugs that are lifesaving, but produce slim profit margins for manufacturers. 
