
Blogs is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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By now we have said our goodbyes to 2010 and are looking to what achievements, joys, and challenges 2011 will bring. I am continuously reminded that the issues and perhaps struggles we face in the future not only pertain to the economics of medicine and health care but also to the emotional aspects...
Many of you may have read the recent Perspectives piece in the New England Journal of Medicine calling for surgeons to disclose to their patients how many hours of sleep they had the night before, arguing that...
I learn so much about my profession by listening to my colleagues speak, and attending ASCO's many committees has accelerated my education. Today I sat in on the Ethics...
Well, I’m back to blogging after a short break for the holidays. I trust that you all had as fine a time as I did. I actually spent three weeks at home; the longest stretch since I assumed our Society’s presidency last June. My three sons were all back—always a pleasure—and I caught up on my...
My careful study of the latest social media trends has uncovered the fact that many bloggers and others like to impose their personal lists of grandiose and highly stylized New Year's resolutions upon their readers around this time of the year. As one who never knowingly misses the opportunity to...
A recent copy of The New England Journal of Medicine leads with an editorial from Michael E.
To err is human, to forgive divine . . . but to disclose is controversial. We all make mistakes. It’s just an intrinsic part of being human. What we do every day is try to minimize those mistakes, learn from them, and never repeat them again. But the sad truth is that medical errors occur,...
This is not about global warming—- ;-) ! But how many times have you thought about ecologic fallacy? Not many of us think about it and would wonder what it has to do with cancer care. This problem has been on my mind for years as I have watched cancer patients and health care professionals struggle...
The December 17 issue of Science takes a look back at the last decade of scientific progress, listing the editor’s top picks for the advances in our understanding of (and, in some cases, manipulation of) nature....
Many physicians now practicing remember their housestaff days with mixed feelings. There was the comradery of working up interesting cases and discussing them far into the night with your intern or resident. But there was also the huge challenge of staying awake for the noon conference when you had...
Every now and then a scientific article just causes my head to spin a full 360o. My current example in this regard was published recently online in Nature by Mariela Jaskelioff and colleagues with the title “...
The last two weeks have been fairly busy ones for me. First came the ASCO Board of Directors meeting in Alexandria, Virginia. I then went home for a day of clinic, followed by a flight to Orlando for the American Society of Hematology annual...
While everyone else is learning about breast cancer in San Antonio this week, for those of us left behind in the freezing Mid-Atlantic, here are a few articles and links about health IT that I found interesting:
I give quite a few speeches every year. In the old days (pre-ASCO presidency) those speeches almost always involved some aspect of breast cancer or my other specialty, angiogenesis. At present, I find myself speaking about Health Information Technology, Rapid Learning Oncology Care Systems, and the...
Yes, the title of this blog is a bit dry but the subject matter itself—a most interesting area to explore!I’ll start by saying that medical professionals in general tend to think about the near and distant future with a relatively high frequency. This probably could not be truer today as we...
I am a voracious reader, and at the end of the year I often share with my friends the books I have enjoyed (I will spare you the immense amount of mindless trash I read on airplanes). This isn't exactly a "books of the year" list, as the books I have read are not all current, just new to me. But I...
Dear friends, please don’t forget to vote in this year’s ASCO elections. Voting is open until November 23, and small numbers of votes can very definitely swing the election. Looking at the candidates answers to questions, there are real differences in how they see the world. Make sure that the next...
I’ve commented in a previous blog on end-of-life issues, an area of critical importance to the many oncologists whose professional responsibilities bring them in contact with the dying patient....

