
Blogs is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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There seems to be an impending shortage of oncologists. We’ve known this for a while, and while potential solutions to transition patients to primary care providers have been proposed, there seems to be a looming shortage of them as well.
I’ve often pondered the name of this site . . . “connections” seems to be a buzz word in this era of social networking and electronic media. ASCO has “ASCO Connection”, Yale’s Cancer Center has an e-Newsletter called “...
Last week, at Yale Surgical Grand Rounds, I heard one of the best lectures I’ve heard in a while.  It was given by my good friend, Jeff Matthews, who is currently Chair of Surgery at University of Chicago.  His Samuel Clark Harvey Memorial lecture, entitled “Truth and ...
A few nights ago, I was invited to speak to the Board of Directors and Major Donors of the Breast Cancer Alliance. A hush came over the crowd as I described the real advances we are making in breast cancer research and treatment – how we are now able to sequence the human genome, determine genes...
A couple of weeks ago, I was at the Society of Surgical Oncology meeting in San Antonio. This is always a busy meeting for me—between recruiting new talent, meeting with research collaborators, presenting and hearing the latest data, networking with friends and colleagues, and cheering on mentees...
A few months ago I told you about the Education Committee and its important role in developing an educational program for our...
Leora Horwitz and Allan Detsky published a commentary in the March 16, 2011 issue of JAMA about the pitfalls and promise of modern communication modes entitled Physician Communication in the 21st Century: To Talk or to Text...
You could, I think, write the history of our specialty by looking at the history of our Annual Meeting. Certainly some of the great moments that I recall from past meetings—in the past decade think of imatinib for GIST tumors, adjuvant trastuzumab for breast cancer, and last year’s crizotinib trial...
Many of you may have read the recent Perspectives piece in the New England Journal of Medicine calling for surgeons to disclose to their patients how many hours of sleep they had the night before, arguing that...
To err is human, to forgive divine . . . but to disclose is controversial. We all make mistakes. It’s just an intrinsic part of being human. What we do every day is try to minimize those mistakes, learn from them, and never repeat them again. But the sad truth is that medical errors occur,...
Many physicians now practicing remember their housestaff days with mixed feelings. There was the comradery of working up interesting cases and discussing them far into the night with your intern or resident. But there was also the huge challenge of staying awake for the noon conference when you had...
I give quite a few speeches every year. In the old days (pre-ASCO presidency) those speeches almost always involved some aspect of breast cancer or my other specialty, angiogenesis. At present, I find myself speaking about Health Information Technology, Rapid Learning Oncology Care Systems, and the...
I was reading the Yale Daily News the other day, and came across an interesting piece on women in medicine.
Greetings! I would like to thank ASCO for the opportunity to share the perspective of the Oncology Physician Assistant through’s blogging page!
I knew that title would catch your attention . . . money is the currency of life. We all need it, work to earn it, yet rarely talk about it. It's almost thought of as a "taboo" topic of conversation . . . While we went into medicine and oncology to provide the best clinical care to our patients and...
I just got back from ASCO headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, my second home for the year. The occasion was the meeting of the Cancer Education Committee.
One of the pleasures of serving as your president is the opportunity to observe the wide array of activities our Society supports. Our Society is so broad in its interests that I frequently feel like a tourist who, coming around the corner, runs into something delightful and unexpected. Many of...
It is no secret that one of the “secrets of success” is having a good mentor, or more often, a team of mentors who help shepherd you into being better than you are. These are the people who give you advice, who open doors and provide opportunities, who caution against pitfalls, and who ultimately...

