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ASCOconnection.org is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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An important paper was published online this week in the journal Pediatrics demonstrating for the first time that there was a decrease in hospital-wide mortality after the implementation of a commercial computerized physician order entry (CPOE) system. The research took place at Stanford at the...
It seems like I've participated in every facet of the "ASCO guideline" process. During the past three years of being part of the HSC (now CPG) committee, I have been amazed to witness how complex and detailed developing a guideline can become. The manuscripts are reviewed at several levels and...
I ran across a post on a healthcare blog that I would encourage folk to read. Jann Sidorov writes about the predicted death of small practices. I love his analogy to an...
John Cox invited me to his Texas Oncology Practice at the Methodist Charlton Cancer Center in Dallas, to talk about multidisciplinary breast cancer clinics. After lunch, which was attended by most of the practice’s...
An article by Schiff and Bates, writing in the March 25th New England Journal of Medicine, here caught my attention.
I arranged to spend last Thursday afternoon with Peter Yu, at his El Camino Real office of the Palo Alto Medical Foundation (PAMF). PAMF has largely implemented EPIC as their EHR, and as Peter and I had an ASCO-related conference call scheduled, I was going to take the call with him and observe his...
I finally got around to watching this video, and I think you will enjoy it. It is from the...
This past week, HHS announced that $386 million had been awarded to 40 states to form health information exchanges (HIE). HIE will be responsible for facilitating the transfer of medical information between providers. HIE's, although state based, may come together to form regional exchanges.
Here is a thoughtful blog post from Dr. David Kibbe on the The Health Care Blog. Read the comments in case you need a...
We're beginnning implementation of our Eclypsis CPOE in our Cancer Center (see here). Our system does not come with pre-built order sets, so we're in the process of building...
Many of you have been following this, but, today, one day shy of the 12/31/09 deadline, CMS issued its long-awaited proposed rule governing the incentive program for EHR's under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), most importantly putting forth the definition of "meaningful...
So... I've been thinking about how to use our existing data repositories for measuring cancer outcomes and for comparative effectiveness. QOPI is a great start (here)—it is oncologist-driven and adaptable; the...
The blog HIStalk posted an interview with Dr. Bill Hersh, professor and chair of biomedical informatics at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland. Dr. Hersh talks about the need for more...
Another study, demonstrating the clinical utility of Clinical Information Technology (CIT)—including some positive influence on mortality and cost of care, albeit in non-oncology conditions, was published earlier this year.
A large, longitudinal study of EHR introduction in a not-for profit integrated health system shows a reduction in outpatient visits, an increase in virtual patient visits (either scheduled telephone visits or online through a patient portal), and maintenance of patient satisfaction.
Last week, I participated in a panel on cancer survivorship, chaired by melanoma survivor Sam Donaldson, formerly the White House correspondent of ABC News, at the NCCN conference in...

