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ASCOconnection.org is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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A couple of weeks ago, I was at the Society of Surgical Oncology meeting in San Antonio. This is always a busy meeting for me—between recruiting new talent, meeting with research collaborators, presenting and hearing the latest data, networking with friends and colleagues, and cheering on mentees...
A few months ago I told you about the Education Committee and its important role in developing an educational program for our...
Leora Horwitz and Allan Detsky published a commentary in the March 16, 2011 issue of JAMA about the pitfalls and promise of modern communication modes entitled Physician Communication in the 21st Century: To Talk or to Text...
Discussions of cancer care begin with science and end with economics and politics. This is true within countries, but is particularly the case when we cross borders. While there is much about cancer that is common everywhere — smoking-induced lung cancer has pretty much the same biology in Beijing...
There is an interesting article by Dr. Pauline Chen in the March 3rd New York Times on the ethics of early phase clinical trials. The article discusses in particular the issue of optimism.
I was recently caught off guard by a couple of simply warm and beautiful days here in Boston—they seemed to be some sort of promise that spring must indeed be coming! The concept of renewal has since been on my mind. No, not the usual items that the term renewal conjures up (you know, licenses,...
You could, I think, write the history of our specialty by looking at the history of our Annual Meeting. Certainly some of the great moments that I recall from past meetings—in the past decade think of imatinib for GIST tumors, adjuvant trastuzumab for breast cancer, and last year’s crizotinib trial...
Does anyone other than me find what happened on Jeopardy! this week somewhat freaky? For those of you not up with the cultural zeitgeist, an IBM computer named Watson absolutely destroyed the two best Jeopardy! contestants in a three-day contest, answering question after question correctly in an...
Finding myself with an extra day prior to the start of ASCO GU, (no offense meant to SUO and ASTRO - just what I have been calling the meeting for many years) here in sunny Florida, I have finally caught up with some of the many things left...
Names matter. Cary Grant was born Archibald Alexander Leach: not exactly a name to showcase at the cinema. Sometimes you need to change your name to focus the attention of others, so that they recognize you for what you are, or what you do. This is the case for the new iteration of The ASCO Cancer...
I just got out of yet another talk on health reform. There is no question that the current rate of health care spending is unsustainable, and something has to be done...We talk a lot about patient safety and quality, guidelines, and resource utilization, but are we just blowing smoke? If we look at...
I am writing this while sitting in an airport lounge in Toronto. I spend a great deal of time sitting in airports this year. Yesterday I had the opportunity to meet our Canadian colleagues in the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, an...
Recently I wrote about the International Clinical Trials Symposium in Cairo, and ASCO's participation in that fine meeting. Little did I expect that Cairo would soon be plunged into unrest. I know that some of you must have wondered whether our representatives made it home safe and sound. I am...
I am a proud son of the American Midwest--raised in Wisconsin, living in Indiana--and have never felt any of the angst those on the two coasts imagine preoccupies those doomed to live here in Flyover country. I love the countryside, as flat and boring as it is, and I love the seasons, and yes (this...
I’ve spoken before about the problem of “smart” tumors, the ones that have accumulated lots of mutational changes, a fairly common event in solid tumors such as smoking-induced...
If you saw the title of this blog post and thought you were going to read a high-level health policy discussion about rapid learning healthcare systems and cancer care you would have been...wrong. I feel particularly unqualified for that discourse. In fact, when I first heard the expression not...
Congratulations to our colleagues in ASCO and SEMCO (the South and Eastern Mediterranean College of Oncology) for putting on the...
ASCO devotes a considerable portion of its efforts and resources to government relations and has an increasingly active Government Relations Committee. The GRC is a...

