
Blogs is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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We initially put desktop computers into our exam rooms about three years ago. Like a lot of new tools, my colleagues and I have been variously...
Incentives for ePrescribingThe Wall Street Journal has a story last week on ePrescribing, written by Laura Landro, a WSJ managing editor and...
We had a paper accepted for publication in JCO, and as a condition of publication we authors are required to transfer the copyright to ASCO, JCO's publisher. This is a similar policy to that of most scientific journals.
From HIS Talk, an interesting trio of blog posts submitted by HIS readers. Note that the authors of the second and third are anonymous so let the the buyer beware. Here is a summary:
Wow, hot off the presses today is a landmark report from the National Research Council of the IOM/National Academies. As I post this I have just read the Executive Summary (the whole report is available here), but what...
In the University of Michigan Hospital, we went live with the Eclipsys CPOE system in April 2008. My medical informatician colleague, David Hanauer, along with some industrial engineering colleagues, studied the time taken to enter orders before, shortly after, and longer after introduction of CPOE...
Rounding with the housestaffIn October, I rounded on the inpatient hematology service for two weeks as the inpatient attending. I was with a heme onc fellow and a clinical pharmacist, and two teams each with a Resident, two Interns, and a medical student. The attending is the...
Marshfield Clinic's EHR and chronic disease management
Information at the Point of Care. (I write this while I'm on vacation, four hours from my home and office). My new patient last week was sent by her oncologist in northern Michigan for an opinion regarding his suspicion that she had Hodgkin lymphoma, recurrent within a year after...
The post below is from Modern Healthcare..... a significant press lining up strategies for the upcoming year to support the 'transformation' of healthcare with informatics...... We have heard these drums for a while..... Will the next year bring substantial change, or will we remain in the talking...
Three recent examples of industries which are moving from paper-based transactions into the online world:Newspapers moving from print to online

