
The Features section includes articles on topics, events, people, and initiatives of interest to the oncology community.

Feb 21, 2018
The 2017 Palliative and Supportive Care in Oncology Symposium featured compelling research and the latest in clinical education that could be used to advance patient-centered care across the cancer continuum.
Feb 20, 2018
Dr. Henderson hopes to have an impact on the obstacles that affect childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors when they transition from active oncology care to being seen in a primary care setting.
Jan 04, 2018
The quest for worldwide health equity is driven by scientific discoveries from every corner of the globe, led by ASCO members determined to make a difference for patients everywhere.
Dec 21, 2017
As the world of immuno-oncology continues to expand rapidly, and as more and more immunotherapies are developed to improve the lives of those with cancer, a new book chronicles the contributions of the field’s pioneers—in their own words and drawings.
Dec 20, 2017
Chibuike Chigbu, MBBS, FWACS, of the University of Nigeria, served as principal investigator for one of the first projects supported by an IIG, “Impact of community health educators on uptake of cervical and breast cancer screening and HPV vaccination in rural southeast Nigeria.”
Dec 20, 2017
Internationally recognized as the pioneer of medical oncology in Mexico, Dr. de la Garza served as the general director of the Instituto Nacional de Cancerología and is a founding member of the Latin American and Caribbean Society of Medical Oncology and the Mexican Oncology Board.
Dec 19, 2017
In light of the shifting political landscape and changes to Medicare reimbursement for physicians, it is more important than ever that members of the oncology community stay in touch with their Congressional representatives to ensure funding for cancer research is secure.
Nov 14, 2017
The QOPI Reporting Registry allows practices to fulfill their MIPS requirements and avoid a financial penalty.
Nov 09, 2017
This supplemental issue provides the latest information and analysis related to cancer policy news and updates on ASCO’s ongoing advocacy efforts.
Nov 07, 2017
ASCO's quality improvement programs have expanded internationally so that every person with cancer can have access to the highest-quality cancer care.
