
Blogs is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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I thought providing good care was enough. I thought treating everyone the same was enough. But I realized that I have to be aware of how race and racism affect my patients and how they experience the medical system.
Sometimes cross-coverage means having hard conversations with patients who aren't ours, but who still deserve our expertise and our honesty.
"I know too much. I don't know enough." Dr. Stephanie L. Graff interviews Dr. Kelly Shanahan, an OB/GYN living with metastatic breast cancer.
Take the survey today and help shape the future of cancer care.
Many of the best surgeons Dr. Raj Mohan has known have been doctors with limited academic achievements, but who are excellent human beings when it comes to providing compassionate, genuine, heartfelt care.
Physicians must take the time to discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and most recent evidence regarding PSA screening in a way that the patient understands - and that discussion must be remunerated appropriately.
A source of frustration for many doctors is the cognitive dissonance of how we want to practice medicine versus how we actually practice medicine.
Providing access to patients has to go beyond the traditional hospital and clinic setting. Enlisting the community centers and leaders in which people trust and earning their trust as expert health care providers is an invaluable combination.
For those not in our field, cancer is still seen as a devastating disease starting at the point of diagnosis. As oncology professionals, it’s important that we do not accept death from cancer as inevitable, or even as imminent.
Clinical trials are the pathway to better treatments, better outcomes, and a future without cancer. We, as investigators, need to believe in them, and be willing to offer them to all patients who are eligible. 
Our vice president of Clinical Affairs breaks down the reporting changes you need to understand and address to avoid potential financial penalties in 2020.
Dr. Barbara K. Rimer explains that actions recently highlighted by the President’s Cancer Panel are aligned with ASCO’s recommendation that patients be informed about the costs of care as part of the treatment decision-making process.
It is important to recognize that some of our patients lead chaotic lives. We need to be careful of judging them and labeling them as non-compliant. They are usually just trying their best under difficult or even impossible situations.
ASCO's current president explains why he's passionate about precision medicine, as well as the concerns that keep him up at night. 
Dr. Raj Mohan considers the concept of trust, and notes that what many patients will remember is how you made them feel comfortable as a human being, understood them, and stayed with them through their ups and downs.
A trial of aqueous lidocaine to manage painful intercourse for breast cancer survivors was a small study with a great magnitude of benefit. Do we need to wait for more data, or can we start applying these findings for our patients today?
If we want our patients to have the best possible health outcomes, we need to make sure that their caregivers are also being cared for.

