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ASCOconnection.org is a forum for the exchange of views on topical issues in the field of oncology. The views expressed in the blogs, comments, and forums belong to the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Please read the Commenting Guidelines.

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A journal that aims to be the voice of global oncology has to publish work relating not only to differences in cancer biology due to risk factors, pathogenesis, and pharmacology, but also disparities arising from social, cultural, economic, and political resource-constraining issues.
Our recent Patient Empowerment Workshop outlined the importance of screening and early diagnosis in breast cancer, but also emphasized attention and care for women with advanced breast cancer.
During a breast cancer event in Guam, Agnes Sarthou's story about living with stage IV disease struck me very deeply, and she kindly allowed me to share part of it with you.
Multidisciplinary units are resouce-intensive, but if you have a computer, you can consult with expert colleagues around the world in a multidisciplinary tumor board.
In the wake of a natural disaster, writes Dr. Enrique Soto Pérez de Celis, small acts like checking in with a patient via text can go a long way in providing reassurance and care.
Dr. Dinesh Pendharkar outlines the current work of ASCO's International Affairs Committee. A particular emphasis this year is fostering clinical research in oncology through capacity and skill development.
My coauthors and I identify deficiencies in prevention and screening efforts that could be acted upon to further reduce cervical cancer incidence and mortality in Latin America.
Dr. Sana Al-Sukhun, and Dr. Joseph Makdessi, and I share highlights of the Best of ASCO Lebanon meeting, attended by more than 300 health care professionals from the Middle East, Europe, and the United States.
Drs. Ghassan Abou-Sitta, Imad Kaddoura, and I report on the First International Congress on Conflict Medicine and make recommendations for ensuring that refugee patients with cancer receive adequate, appropriate care.
The price of and access to oncology drugs remains both a national and international challenge to our patients, providers, and third-party payers.
We don’t know what the future will bring, but we do know that it will be molded by well-trained, bright minds with good ideas who have the resources to be successful.
My colleagues and I share highlights from a successful and well-publicized breast cancer awareness campaign in Lebanon, focused around International Women's Day.
When the basics of cancer control are not in place, should we discuss targeted agents and immunotherapy in resource-constrained settings?
I am pleased to share the news that ASCO volunteers, staff, and collaborators are already making progress on major expansions to ASCO's programs to address global oncology priorities.
BBCC5 offered didactic sessions with presentations on recent advances in breast cancer research and management and 1-hour tumor board sessions where a panel of experts and the audience discuss real cases of patients with breast cancer.
For World Cancer Day, Dr. Edward L. Trimble hopes you will join him in being an advocate for evidence-based policy changes, and the research that supports them.
For World Cancer Day, we can talk to our patients about the cardinal rules of a healthy lifestyle, says Dr. Clarissa Mathias.
For World Cancer Day, Dr. Monica Malik encourages you to challenge the misconceptions that stigmatize people with cancer.

