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May 06, 2024
The ripple effect of empowerment from the Najia community continues to inspire and create positive change, echoing far beyond the confines of the virtual world.
Apr 30, 2024
Men in the oncology workforce, writes Dr. Khalid El Bairi, have a critical part to play in righting longstanding gender disparities in the field.
Apr 22, 2024
We appreciate your continued commitment to our field, your dedication to the Society and Association missions, and the invaluable leadership and insight that you add.
Apr 16, 2024
Following a HemOncFellows’ Network discussion on common questions aspiring and current fellows have about oncology fellowship, 10 participants, organizers, and members share practical advice that you can use in preparing for your fellowship.
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Nathan A. Pennell, MD, PhD

Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, is an Associate Professor and Director of the Lung Cancer Medical Oncology Program at the Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Institute. He specializes in the care of patients with lung cancer and conducts clinical trials in this population. In addition, he has interests in health care information technology and social media. Dr. Pennell is a Consultant Editor for the Journal of Oncology Practice and has been featured as one of ASCO‘s “Featured Voices” on Twitter for the Annual Meeting. Follow Dr. Pennell on Twitter @n8pennell.

Dr. Pennell was honored by Association Media & Publishing with a 2016 EXCEL Award (Best Single Blog Post) for "Fourth Times the Charm."

Jun 04, 2015
At a reception well attended by many prominent thoracic oncologists this week, after the last lung cancer sessions of this year’s ASCO Annual Meeting had ended, the atmosphere was jubilant. Some were relieved that their presentations had gone well and that they could finally relax. Most were glad...
May 07, 2015
One of my favorite aspects of my job is giving Continuing Medical Education (CME) talks around the country and getting the opportunity to speak to a broad range of oncologists about what they do in practice. While I treat lung cancer patients at an academic center, traveling gives me the chance to...
Mar 26, 2015
It was a particularly harrowing morning, and I was already running 40 minutes behind after my first couple of patients. My nurse practitioner was out, so I had added a number of her routine follow-up visits to my normal schedule, and I was having trouble keeping up.
Feb 03, 2015
I am often asked by friends and acquaintances how I am able to do what I do for a living, which is care for patients with advanced lung cancer. Depending on the setting and how well I know the person asking, I might say that the treatments are improving all the time (i.e., the casual dinner party...
