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ASCOconnection.org Welcomes Its New Columnist: Matthew S. Katz, MD

Aug 30, 2013

ASCOconnection.org welcomes new columnist Matthew S. Katz, MD. Dr. Katz is the Medical Director of Radiation Oncology at Lowell General Hospital and a partner in Radiation Oncology Associates, PA. He is an Instructor at Harvard Medical School and former Chair of Communications Committee for the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO). He serves on the Communications Committee for Massachusetts Medical Society and external advisory board for Mayo Clinic’s Center for Social Media.

AC: What drew you to oncology? 

Dr. Katz: When I was young, a friend of mine died of leukemia at age 12. I’ve also had many others I care about have different malignancies. During medical school, I loved pathology and did nine months doing autopsies and surgical pathology along with some research. Radiation oncology provided me an opportunity to help patients more directly.

AC: What interests you about patient education and communication?

Dr. Katz: The distress of a cancer diagnosis is amplified by uncertainty. Listening to my patients provides me insight on how to lessen that anxiety by taking time to explain the disease and treatment options, and to provide support. It may give patients more control in making informed decisions, even if those choices aren’t easy. For me, health empowerment is broader than just meeting the needs of the patient. We also can empower clinicians and reinforce the trust inherent in the doctor-patient relationship.

AC: Why do you want to blog for ASCOconnection.org?

Dr. Katz: Radiation therapy is an essential component of cancer care, both in curative and palliative settings. Despite the sometimes overly emphasized technical aspects of the field, radiation oncology is ultimately a patient-oriented, humanistic endeavor. My hope is that I can provide a different, but complementary, voice in oncology along with other ASCO columnists who reinforce our commitment to helping patients. I also hope to learn from readers’ comments—it amazes me how much I’ve improved my clinical communications skills from participating in social media.

AC: What should readers look forward to with your commentary?

Dr. Katz: ASCO has some great contributors already, but I think that my background in community radiation oncology will add a different view on the joys and challenges of cancer care. I’m also skeptical about social media having any innate value of its own. Whether it’s a linear accelerator or communications tools such as Twitter, technology is just a tool that can be used well or poorly.

AC: When you’re not working, what are some things you like to do in your free time?

Dr. Katz: I have a wonderful wife and three beautiful children that make it all worthwhile. We enjoy activities all around New England and travel to see family and friends. Between my family, reading, and the occasional esoteric side project, I’m very happy.

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